The best way to care for your carpets is to bring them in to us for a professional cleaning that will preserve their life and aesthetic quality. However, for the DIYers (do it yourselfers) these tips can also work. But we do want to emphasize the carpet cleaning is more complex than it appears to be, and if not done properly can either discolor your carpet or—even worse—damage its fabric" (Nader Nasiri, Founder, Nasiri Carpets). This is why many choose to have their carpets professionally cleaned.
When it comes to handmade carpets, more often than not, they tend to require pecial care to extend their lifespan, due to their unique fiber and dyes.
Removing stubborn stains
Stains are every carpet owner’s nightmare. If not handled properly, they not only ruin the carpet’s beauty but also result in the destruction of its fiber during the cleaning process. Other than resorting to moving furniture around to hide the stains, one of the quickest solutions is to clean the stains immediately, as soon as they occur. Contrary to what your instincts tell you, you should not scrub the carpet. Instead, blot the stained spot and dry it, working from the outside in. Rinse it thoroughly in plain clean water and blot it again. Depending on the type of stain and the carpet’s fiber, use of vinegar or a mild detergent solution might be necessary, especially for handmade carpets woven with natural fibers. But the general universal rule in regards to stain removal is to clean the stain as soon as it occurs and refrain from scrubbing as a means of removing it.
Finding the right cleaning agent for your carpet
Some carpet-cleaning agents available are not environmentally friendly and are actually toxic if ingested by humans or pets. Fortunately, in our quest to keep the earth habitable for future generations, environmentally friendly carpet-cleaning agents with active ingredients that efficiently and effectively clean carpets have been developed. Thus, when choosing a carpet-cleaning agent, look out for those that are environmentally friendly. Also, depending on whether your carpet is made of natural fibers or discolors easily, it’s better to use biodegradable cleaning agents since they are tough on stains yet gentle on fabric. Cleaning agents come in different forms, including shampoos and powder or liquid forms, and their effectiveness relates to the method of cleaning being used.
Again, the best way to care for your carpets is to depend on the expertise of professionals like Nasiri, with years of experience and a proven track record. However, if you are decide to clean your own carpet, make sure that you do so properly in order to avoid damaging this precious heirloom!
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.
at: December 13, 2013 at 2:27 AM said...
Finally an article that is extremely helpful. Having a toddler isn't always the graetest for the carpets. I can really do well with the tips you provided. Thanks!
at: March 9, 2014 at 11:19 AM said...
I have a one year old and i know excindent happened all the time and you need to know how to handle these carpets... your article will help a lot especially if you collect beautiful rug like these, you just don't want to get them ruined, great tips!
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